Monkeys in Art, Monkey’s Art.

“I am Nature” — Jackson Pollock

What is art? Is a question with an often-failed answer because language gave up.

Moving from an allegory to a parody to monkeys really painting and taking photos. Contemporary monkeys receive on-line representation and achieve high sale prices at actions.

Monkeys in Art

monkey-painterAlexandre-Gabriel Decamps1833
1833 “The Monkey Painter” by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps

1913 “Parody of the Fauve Painters” by Robert W. Chanler

Art by Monkeys

Bubbles (born1986) painted two abstract paintings, which sold for $2000 each.

Brent (born 1976) paints with his tong.

Cheetah (born 1970)

Jamie prefers to paint on non-traditional surfaces.


His photos are blurry, but who said it is not contemporary?

“The photographs, taken in 1998, are about as good as you might expect from a monkey: grainy, out of frame, and out-of-focus shots of Moscow’s Red Square.” Reported

“Everybody is a critic” – answered magician David Copperfield responding to a farting sound emitted by Critic Monkey. U – U – U – U

Did we find an “origin” of art, an “ameba” or a “zero of form” in monkey paintings? Other questions that are still left unanswered are: how monkeys chose their materials, techniques and how each monkey knew when a painting was finished?

If people are no longer looking for ways to distinguish themselves from animals, the brain is the only obstacle to a total metamorphosis and there are ways to disengage it from thinking. Who needs thinking anyway?